Fire-kissed Food
Workshop or cook yourself

A TASTE OF JÄMTLAND cooking over open fire. 
Book an outdoor fire cooking class for the whole family, your group of friends or company events.
We divide you into teams and cook the food over an open fire. One of our themes is Historical food inspired by the Viking age. 
Of course, you can also cook your own food on our fireplaces.

Email your booking or questions to Anette 
eller ring 070 797 25 62

You will find lots of inspiration, recipes for fire-kissed food
and fire knowledge in our blog

Yoga for the Whole Family

ll children and childlike adults are welcome to book FAMILY YOGA. We adapt the yoga and the movements to the age of the participants. There will be playful and soft movements inspired by the world of animals, a lot of mischief and some focus training.

250 SEK for adults
100 SEK per child up to 12 years old,
150 SEK per child up to 13-18 years old,
(Children under the age of 2 years is free!)
Minimum of 4 adults need to participate.

If there are slightly older children, we do a basic medi-yoga session and some breathing exercises to  It takes about 2 hours and we finish with sausage grilling and coffee (included).

Email your booking or questions directly to Anette. 

Here you can read more about yoga at Mikaelsro

Bath & Swedish “Fika”

From Mikaelsro it takes about 15 minutes to walk down to the small village Hoverberg.
Here you will find, among other things, a campsite, marina, harbor Cafe, mini golf and a playground.

From the campsite, a path runs along the water towards the church and after about 10 minutes of walking you will reach the church jetty.
A great place for swimming from the bathing ladder, why not an evening dip!

There are several cozy cafes in the village.
You can find them here;

Fishing & Canoeing on Storsjön

Fishing is a classic summer activity that is just as relaxing
and wonderful for the experienced big-time angler
as it is for the family who wants to try fishing for the first time. 

Storsjön is a nice fishing lake with many species of fish and nice places to cast a rod from. Hand gear fishing is free in the entire lake. By hand gear is meant a rod, jig or similar gear that is equipped with a line and a maximum of 10 hooks.

In addition, “the fishing method as such must not presuppose the use of a boat”. For all other types of fishing, a fishing license must be purchased.

Read more about rules and buy your fishing license  here.

Storsjöbygden and Storsjön are sometimes described as an oasis in the
wilderness, surrounded by high mountains in the west and large forest
areas in the east. The mythical Great Lakes monster is believed to exist
in the lake, in addition to the unique Great Lakes species, there are
also many common fish.

There are nearly 20 different species of fish
in the lake, the most common of which are trout (called Storsjööring,
Jämtland’s landscape fish), char, pike, perch, grayling, whitefish (five
different species), roach and tench. There are also minnows, eels and
smelt in Storsjön. Since sometime in the 60s, there have also been
Canadian trout in the Storsjön.

Lots of more information here Fiske i Berg.

Hiking & Nature's Rich Pantry

Vandring & naturens rika skafferi

Around Mikaelsro, you can hike along dirt roads or
go into the forest to harvest nature’s well-stocked pantry.
There are lots of wild raspberries, berries and mushrooms here.

On and around Hoverberget there are marked trails,
some of them with an absolutely fantastic view when you hike up Hoverberget.

Link to Naturkartan!

Maps are available in all rooms.
(There are currently no maintained winter hiking trails
in the nature reserve at Hoverberget.)

The Cave at Hoverberget and “Rämnan”

A visit to the Hoverbeg cave is an exciting excursion and
the hike to the mouth of the cave is not difficult.
It takes about 10 minutes. The last bit is by stairs.

With a depth of 170 meters, “Hoverbergsgrottan” is Scandinavia’s deepest cliff cave.

Rämnan, a ravine that divides about 500 meters of the mountain into two parts. A path that crosses the ravine offers a breathtaking view.

The vertical stone walls down into the ravine are up to 25 meters high and at the bottom there are countless caves and cracks,
no one knows how deep they are.
Geologically, the mountain is completely unique.

The protected, shy lynxes also live here among rocks, caves and old forest. Unique plants and lichens. Kestrels, sparrowhawks, horned owls, ravens and buzzards guard their ancient territories.

You can find more information about “Hoverbergsgrottan”
and opening hours here:

To stay here with children

There are no TV sets at Mikaelsro. However, a lot of wonderful children’s books and games. A lot of toys, legos, saucers and snowracers are available to borrow. Please let us know the children’s ages when you book your accommodation and we will bring out and prepare so that even the smallest participants feel at home here on the farm. The kitchen is well equipped and outdoors there are several different fireplaces so you can both bake and cook the food you feel like together. (breakfast is included in your overnight stay)

here are grazing cows in the meadows in front of the house, which you are welcome to help us water.
Do you want to stay a little longer?
We have different offers depending on the number of days and time of year.
A tip is to stay a night or two in the forest camp during your stay – an exciting experience for the whole family.
Email your requests to

Can you stay at Mikaelsro with a small baby?