Book the Yoga studio!

You can also book the yoga studio and teachers as an activity for the family, a group of friends or some colleagues at work.
Press the pause button together, explore and experience the positive effects of yoga and meditation on both body and soul.
Open up tofruitful conversation and reflection.

It is also possible to book catering and a “Swedish fika”or lunch.
We can also light up our grill so you can cook your own food over an open fire.
Max 10 people.

Contact me by email, and lets plan your event
together with a cost estimate.

Yoga for EVERYONE?

Today, many people talk about performance and ability or inability in connection with yoga.
But you don’t have to be young and flexibal to be able to take part in the positive effects that the gentle medical yoga can bring. Landing in presence in ones own body helps us deal with stress and various forms of health issues.

We live in a world where more and more people do not feel safe.
To stand strong and present, regardless of how much it is storming around us is becoming increasingly important.
But how do you do it?

Within yoga and meditation there is a large and exciting toolbox.
Among other things, we work with conscious breathing, soft movements, joy and presence.
No, yoga is not for everyone, but very many.
I have done yoga with a 10-year-old boy who wanted to learn how to find calm and focus before his ball games.
A 15-year-old who needed tools to cope with the stress at school.
Young adults with ADHD and hypersensitivity who needed tools to cope with themselves and their surroundings. Women and men of different ages who need to learn how to press the pause button in everyday life to deal with stress and ill health, pain both in the body and the heart.


About me as a yoga instructor
I am a trained I AM instructor with Göran Boll. Göran Boll is the founder of Mediyoga, the
medical yoga that is currently used in 300 different hospitals and care centers. Today, there
are approximately 2,500 people, including physiotherapists, healthcare staff and doctors
who are also trained Mediyoga Instructors.


What is I AM Yoga?
A part of Mediyoga and a large part of Kundalini with a focus on increased awareness and focus.
Who am I? Where am I going? How do I find a better balance?
The answers are within us, in stillness and in movement.
There is a great variety of sessions where quantum physics, sacred geometry and the chakra system are a big inspiration. Each session ends with a meditation, a breathing exercise and GONG.

DROP IN - Yoga

60 min yoga and 15 min GONG.


It was my granddaughter Linnea who usually does yoga with me who said, “Grandma, you must have yoga with children.”
Today we welcome all children and childlike adults, regardless of age to book a family-yoga class.
I create a class that suits everyone depending on the age of the children.
Parent with small babies are also welcome.

I have extensive experience with children’s yoga and movement play as I have welcomed children and their
families to yoga classes to Mikaelsro since we started the business.
When you book your stay with us and want to experience family yoga.

Email me and tell me how many you are and the ages of the children.

I will also send a cost depending on how long you are staying with us and the number of people attending.

“We stayed at Mikaelsro with our 3-month-old baby. We tried a light yoga session together
with another family with two children, 4 and 7 years old. Everyone had fun and appreciated
the session. Especially at the end when we got to experience sound singing bowls and light,
light GONG. It was absolutely wonderful. Our daughter slept soundly and deep to the sound.”
-Robin, Diddi and Freya.

“Doing yoga with my grandchildren was really fun and not that difficult at all. I knew that the
children would be able to do it, but my body hurts and I had to do yoga sitting on a chair
among the children. So much fun, so many laughs. The children got to try playing the Gong
and the different bowls and then I got with some “movements” to do at home to increase
my mobility. We will do this again soon.”
-Annika, Leon and Elisa.


Welcome to book your own meditative Gong Baths for your family, friends or your company.
We will go through all your requests, coffee/catering can be ordered and together we will shape a day for deep rest,
recovery and togetherness.

Each stroke of the Gong creates a large amount of vibrations that we perceive as sound.
It vibrates with approximately 72,000 different frequencies and it acts as a form of tuning fork and vibrates right down to the cellular level. The vibrations dissolve tension, reduce blockages, open up our chakras and stimulate circulation in the body.
Most people experience a Gong bath as relaxing and de-stressing for both body and soul.

“It feels as if I’m suddenly getting air. It is easier to breathe and to take deep breaths.
It has been difficult after Corona. My Throat chakra feels open now. Absolutely wonderful,
thank you! What a relief.”
— Annika

You can be emotionally affected during and after Gong-bath as it opens up our chakras and dissolves blockages.
It is important to let the feelings come and not try to push them away.
You can feel sad, happy so that your body tingles or you can get really angry.
All feelings are equally important.

If you feel discomfort, take deep breaths. It is important to dare to let go of what we no longer need.
Sadness, shame, various discomforts and grievances gather and create blockages that create
unbalance in different ways. Breathe, deep calm breaths through all the feelings that come.

“It felt like I was in the middle of a war, it was unpleasant but then I remember what Anette
said and breathed through all the discomfort. Then it became completely quiet inside me, a great
calmness spread in my body and it lasted for several days.”
— Anna Lena

When the brain can’t really “grasp” or “sort out” all the noise and vibrations,
it shuts off the noise of thought and we descend into deeper levels of relaxation.

The gong is usually experienced as restorative for body and soul and it is not unusual to get a boost of energy afterwards.
A Gong bath has a stress-reducing effect as the vibrations help us activate our parasympathetic nervous system
and that’s when the deep-seated tensions can release.

Best of all, you don’t have to do anything but lie down and turn off the sound once do the job.
Rest. Breathe. Clear. Refill.

”I slept like a log and it lasted for several days. I’ve had trouble sleeping like that
was double recovery. I want to do this again and again, new exciting things are happening things every time. ” — Eve

“It feels as if my whole body is vibrating and it’s a nice feeling. I flew like a bird,
really loud and when the tone changed I fell down and landed softly on the grass.” — Anonymous

“I have been so stressed and worried about the future. Afterwards, it was as if everything fell
into place. I feel as if my body and soul have had a real reboot. New clean hard drive,
completely easy. Next time I will bring my husband with me.”— Lena